Selasa, 27 September 2011

New Jailbreak Tool Without Using iTunes

Today Notcom mentioned on his tweet that he has finally started porting the pwnage 2.0 code into
TinyPwn, moreover, notcom has successfully support limera1n exploit in Tinypwn. The main value-added by TinyPwn is to avoid or bypass iTunes errors that user may face when he restore his device to a custom (per-jailbroken) firmware cooked by PwnageTool or Sn0wbreeze.

Notcom, the known hacker the founder of TinyUmbrella has announced via his twitter account few months ago that he is working on a new tool called TinyPwn that will allow you to restore your iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch without using iTunes, and helps you in avoiding iTunes errors.

@notcom FINALLY started porting the pwnage 2.0 code… TinyPwn will be fun when it is finally finished. limera1n support is done.
Notcom didn’t announce release date for his tool so far, but it looks imminent.

Get Your Very Own Cydia “Reloading Data” Shirt

Jay ‘saurik‘ Freeman, the creator of Cydia, is known for wearing a black t-shirt wherever he goes
that says “Reloading Data.” Jailbreakers will recognize these two words because that’s the message that gets displayed in Cydia all of the time when content is loading.
Every time Freeman is spotted in public, like at JailbreakCon, readers always ask this one question: “Where can I get one of those Cydia shirts?
We’ve got good news for you…
Graphic artist Amnesiaco has re-created Freeman’s infamous t-shirt and made it available for purchase on RedBubble. The t-shirt looks exactly like the one worn by Freeman himself, with the “Reloading Data” message displayed proudly on the chest.
And guess what? Amnesiaco’s creation actually comes in t-shirt, v-neck t-shirt, long sleeve t-shirt, “girly fitted” t-shirt, and even hoodie form! The design is also available in a range of colors, although black is obviously the preferred choice. You can even get the “Reloading Data” text displayed on the back or front of the shirt as well.
Prices range, with the t-shirt version starting at $25.56. Hoodies cost $49.38. Head over to RedBubble to place your order.
This is an awesome shirt to own if you’re a jailbreak enthusiast. Are you going to buy one of these “Reloading Data” shirts? We at iDB will be buying several.

Did Apple Just Sneakily Confirm That We’ll Only See One New iPhone?

Today Apple sent out invites for its October 4th media event where the curtain will be lifted
on all things iPhone.
Interestingly, the image that Apple used on the invites may provide a clue as to what we can see come October 4th at 10:00am PST.
The image contains the Apple 1 Infinite Loop campus in the Maps app (where the event will be held), the correct date (Calendar app), the correct time (Clock app), and one more little interesting tidbit…
Did your eagle eyes catch it? That’s right, a one (1) notification badge on the Phone app. Now of course, this could just be a coincidence, but seeing as everything else coincides with a real world fact, I think it’s highly probable that Apple just confirmed that we’ll only see one iPhone on October 4th.
Not to mention that fact that the message says “Let’s talk iPhone.” Singular.
Apple may have also just hinted at the super secret “Assistant” feature that was detailed yesterday.
This could also be Apple’s method of easily letting down any ridiculously high expectations for next Tuesday’s event.
What do you think?

Apple Announces iPhone Event for October 4th

It’s finally happened, folks. Apple has officially announced its next iPhone event to take place on
October 4th. The Loop reports that Apple has sent out invites saying that the event will be held on October 4th at Apple’s Cupertino headquarters campus, as was previously reported.
The message simple says: “Let’s talk iPhone.
The event will be held at 10:00 am PT.
Apple is expected to unveil a new iPhone will significant spec upgrades and the secret iOS 5 feature called “Assistant.” It’s also rumored that Apple will introduce a cheaper, re-tooled iPhone 4 or a 3G-capable iPod touch.
Mark your calendars! And stay tuned to iDB for coverage!
Who’s excited?

Senin, 26 September 2011

Purported Screen Shots of Facebook Integration in iOS 5 Surface

With Apple expected to release iOS 5 to the public in the next few weeks,
more and more details are coming out of the woodwork. The Cupertino company only demonstrated 10 of the software’s 200+ new features in June, so there’s a lot of room for discoveries.
Earlier today we told you about iOS 5′s secret Assistant feature, the Siri-based voice control system that will set Apple’s mobile OS apart from the competition. Now there is news coming in that the software will also include Facebook integration…
 MacRumors posted screenshots of what appears to be a system-wide Facebook feature in iOS 5. One image depicts a Facebook pane in the iOS Settings app, and the other photo shows a user posting a picture to the social networking service from within Photos.
Obviously, Twitter has had system-level integration in iOS 5 since day one, so this doesn’t seem like too much of a stretch. This also lines up with rumors of Facebook announcing its iPad app at Apple’s purported October 4th event next week.
That doesn’t mean we aren’t skeptical of the images authenticity though. MacRumorsthemselves said they couldn’t confirm the images, and they also point out that because the photos look so similar to Twitter’s iOS 5 integration, they could easily be fake.
Also note that the “Update Status” font, compared to the Twitter function, seems to have a weird shadow-y effect, and the time in the status bar is also a bit sketchy. It reads 17.31 instead of 5:31 (which could be explained a number of ways, but it’s still odd).
There’s no way to know for sure what Apple will be unveiling next week, but we do know we’re in for some big surprises. Facebook integration would certainly make sense on Apple’s part, and I’m sure it would be appealing to folks who use the service regularly.
What do you think? Will iOS 5 have Facebook integration?

Facebook to Launch iPad App at iPhone 5 Event?

Mashable just dropped somewhat of a bomb in the iOS world.
According to the website, Facebook will be launching its long-awaited iPad app at the iPhone 5 event, which will most likely be scheduled next week.
We wouldn’t normally pay too much attention about what Mashable says, but it’s interesting to note that Robert Scoble has been hearing the same thing, as he mentioned last week on Google+…
“By the way, I heard a rumor from a usually credible source that Facebook may not announce an iPad app tomorrow, but will save it for October 4th instead. Now THAT will be very interesting news, since I know Apple really hates Facebook. But, who does Apple hate more than Facebook? Google.”
Also interesting is that this info from Mashable comes the same day as the Lead Developer for the Facebook iPad app called it quit. He admittedly resigned due to frustrations over the fact that Facebook hasn’t launched the app yet, even though it has been ready for 4 months.
Why would Apple let Facebook introduce its app at the iPhone 5 event when the two companies hate each other’s guts? Could it have anything to do with Project Spartan?

Senin, 19 September 2011

Download Redsn0w 0.9.9b1 - Major New Updates - Awesome !

MusclNerd of iPhone Dev team has released Redsn0w 0.9.9b1.
As we reported you that Redsn0w 0.9.6b1 is loaded with major updates. Redsn0w 0.9.9b1 won't ask you to choose ipsw file when you jailbreak your iPhone, iPod or iPad as it will automatically detect the best solution for you (tethered or untethered jailbreak).

The only case that you will be asked to point to ipsw file is in iOS beta versions as it isn't available for public. Redsn0w 0.9.9b1 will allow you to verfiy / submit your SHSH file to Cydia. Below you will find all new features of Redsn0w 0.9.9b1 officially from iPhone Dev-team blog.

A bunch of new features!
  • uses DFU mode to try to automatically determine which device and FW you have
  • fetches pieces of public IPSWs from Apple (once). Non-public IPSWs must be provided manually (once). It then caches those pieces for future use.
  • “Just boot” is a tethered boot. Uses whatever “Preferences” you’ve set for boot logo and kernel boot-args
  • “Pwned DFU” puts your device in a pwned DFU state for some of the iTunes stuff detailed below
  • “Recovery fix” gets past 1015 types of errors (when baseband portion of restore fails). Should work on iOS5 beta too
  • “Select IPSW” is for picking non-public IPSWs, or overriding auto-detection
  • “SHSH blobs” has a bunch of options…
  • “Fetch” - fetch current PARTIAL blobs on device. Should complete in under 10 or 15 seconds. Puts the set of PARTIAL of blobs on your computer as a plist. Checks if Cydia already has a full set for this device and build. If not, it submits this PARTIAL set and returns Cydia’s acknowledgement or rejection
  • “Verify” - cryptographically verifies existing blob files from either redsn0w, TinyUmbrella, or Cydia server. You can select a whole bunch of blobs to verify at once if you want (like the TinyUmbrella directory)
  • “Submit” - both verifies and submits one or more blob files to Cydia. This lets you copy your entire TinyUmbrella cache of blobs up to the Cydia server
  • “Query” - queries the Cydia server for all available FULL or PARTIAL blobs for a given set of ECIDs
  • “Stitch” - stitches either FULL or PARTIAL blobs to a STOCK or CUSTOM IPSW
  1. FULL blobs stitched to a STOCK IPSW gives you a completely self-contained signed IPSW that iTunes will accept without any tricks (no need to go into pwned DFU mode, no need to start TinyUmbrella TSS server, no need to redirect to Cydia server for blobs)
  2. PARTIAL blobs stitched to any IPSW requires you to go into pwned DFU mode before running iTunes. No need to start TU or use Cydia though.
  3. Stitching either FULL or PARTIAL blobs to a CUSTOM IPSW also requires a pwned DFU start before iTunes restores. No need to start TU or use Cydia though.
  4. Stitching is NOT yet supported on iPhones! Need to work out the baseband part of the restore process.
  5. Will eventually support fetching the blobs directly from Cydia instead of a file on your computer
Here's how to use Redsn0w 0.9.6b1 :

Download Redsn0w 0.9.9b1 for Windows
Download Redsn0w 0.9.9b1 for Mac

Minggu, 18 September 2011

White iPhone 4S Pops Up in AT&T’s Retail Software

Hold on to your hats folks, Engadget just dropped a bombshell.
The tech blog just published a photo it received from a tipster that appears to be of a screen from AT&T’s internal retail software.
The screenshot looks like it was taken from the carrier’s trouble ticket system, a place where reps can pass issues on to tech support. What’s so interesting about the pic? It seemingly outs a new Apple device — the iPhone 4S…
The timing of the snapshot is intriguing, considering that just a few days ago The New York Times confirmed that Apple will be unveiling two new devices this Fall. The 4S is expected to be the low-end model, as essentially a rebuilt iPhone 4.
Enter the skepticism. For starters, the name looks a little off. With previous iPhone models, Apple has capitalized letters in its name. It’s the iPhone “3G and 3GS,” not the iPhone “3g and 3gs.” The pic also falls in that “Why’s it so blurry?” category.
The spacing in the iPhone 4s label also looks a bit off, and there is no mention of its storage size like the other models. All things considered, we’re calling fake on this one. Here’s hoping Apple breaks the silence next week, the suspense is killing us.
What do you think? Real or fake?

MyGreatFest — A Roundup of Everything You Missed

MyGreatFest, the world’s first jailbreak convention,
was held earlier today in London. The event featured presentations from prominent figures in the jailbreak community, including saurik and members of the Chronic Dev Team.
The convention featured 6 main keynotes with an array of speakers. We’ve collected some of the highlights from MyGreatFest for those that weren’t able to tune into the livestream…

Aaron Ash – Developer of Multifl0w and Barrel

Aaron Ash kicked off MyGreatFest with a memorable presentation about why he develops in the jailbreak community and the history behind some of his popular tweaks. Ash is most known for Multifl0w and Barrel — two tweaks we’ve reviewed here on iDB.
Ash’s talk focused more on the conceptualization and philosophy behind making a tweak, and the process of bringing a Cydia tweak idea to completion. He noted that it takes a long time to learn how to code, but a tweak itself only takes about a month to complete on average.
Ash told an interesting story about Multifl0w. The tweak allows users to simulate Palm’s webOS, card-like multitasking experience on the iPhone or iPad. He admitted that Palm largely “inspired” the idea of Multifl0w. Palm didn’t actually like Multifl0w at all, and Ash told of the time when “Palm Inc.” showed up on his iPhone’s caller ID. Palm told him that he had two weeks to take Multifl0w off of the Cydia store. He didn’t listen, and Multifl0w is still available in Cydia today.
He said that he had not been approached by Apple with a job offer.
Ash had a wonderful idea for a tweak that let the user run multiple iPhone apps at once on an iPad. The tweak project was dubbed ‘Polyonix’ and previewed at the beginning of this year. At MyGreatFest, Ash gave a status update saying that the tweak was still far from being finished. The problem he’s running into involves portrait and landscape mode — two iPhone apps running in portrait mode and another iPhone app in landscape mode cannot be used at once.

The Chronic Dev Team

P0sixninja and iOPK gave a talk on the state of the Chronic Dev Team and the iPhone 5/iOS 5 jailbreak. See our detailed post about this presentation for more information.

The iDroid Project

The iDroid Project is an initiative to fully port Android to run on iDevices. Originally known as the “iPhone Linux Project” back in 2008, a hacker successfully managed to boot a Linux kernel on an iDevice. In 2009, the Android OS was run on a first gen iPhone. The members of the iDroid Project haven’t looked back since.
There have been many Android emulators than run on iOS, but the iDroid Project wants tofully port Android to iDevices. That means that the OS must be booted on an iDevice in its full and unmodified state — a task that’s easier said than done.
The Bootlace application allows users to install Android on their jailbroken, older generation iPhones right now — no computer required. Currently, the iDroid team is looking to port Android successfully to the 3GS and iPhone 4, as well as gain compatibility with newer, jailbroken versions of iOS.
iDroid allows jailbreakers to run Android and iOS like one would Boot Camp into Windows on a Mac. The two operating systems can be dual booted, which is incredibly cool. You can learn more about the iDroid Project on the team’s official website.

Carstein – Developer of iFile

The developer of the revolutionary jailbreak app called iFile took the stage at MyGreatFest to talk about the state of iFile. In case you didn’t know, iFile is an application for the iPhone and iPad that basically acts as a Finder for iOS. Apple removes access to the filesystem in iOS by default, but iFile gives users access to the file structure in a polished and full-featured jailbreak app.
Carstein talked about what’s planned for iFile, including support for the following features: FTP Client, WebDAV Client, ID3 Tag Editor and a Hex Editor. iFile gained Dropbox support recently, and Carstein doesn’t plan on stopping there.
Surprisingly, only 380,000 unique iDevices run pirated copies of iFile. Carstein is thankful that the number is so low, and he offered to give anyone running a pirated copy at MyGreatFest a free copy of the app.
iFile’s downloads reveal interesting information about jailbreaking in general. Carstein revealed that iFile download spikes coincide with new jailbreak releases, and his app has been downloaded a total of 11.5 million times. The app currently offers a free trial with a $4 buying price. You do the math.

James Whelton – iPod Nano Hacker

James Welton gave a talk about what got him into the jailbreak community and what it was like hacking the 6th gen iPod nano. He was a student at the time, and he reminded everyone that many of the hackers that create jailbreaks are pretty young — comex himself isn’t even 21.
Whelton continued to talk about stepping aside from jailbreaking to work on other projects, like DisruptivDev,  while others filled his place. Whelton plans to start working on jailbreaks again soon, and he will be a welcomed back to the community with open arms. (He’s also a very funny guy, and he dresses well.)

Saurik – Father of Cydia

Jay ‘saurik’ Freeman finished off MyGreatFest with an hour long talk followed by a Q&A session. His presentation summarized what jailbreaking is about, and he shared many insights into the community and future of Cydia. Read our detailed summary of his talk for more information.
MyGreatFest was an amazing convention for jailbreakers. And the best part is that it’s not over! MyGreatFest will be making its way to the USA next year for an event in California. 

Sabtu, 17 September 2011

Saurik, the Father of Cydia, Talks About the State of Cydia and Jailbreaking at MyGreatFest

Jay Freeman, a.k.a. “saurik,” took the stage at MyGreatFest,
the world’s first jailbreak convention, to talk about his hugely successful jailbreak store known as Cydia. As the father of Cydia and the most prominent figure in the jailbreaking community, Freeman shared insight into the history and future of Cydia and jailbreaking.
We’ve collected some highlights and quotes from Freeman’s talk at MyGreatFest…
First off, it’s interesting to note that Freeman started coding in the 2nd grade. Since then, he has created a jailbreak store used by millions of jailbreakers around the world.
Although Freeman noted that he hasn’t been explicitly approached by Apple, he did describe receiving a “veiled job offer” once from an Apple employee. He believes that Apple would rather pretend that he doesn’t exist, and he doesn’t plan on leaving the jailbreak community anytime soon.

The State of Jailbreaking and Cydia

Freeman said during his talk that between 6-12% of all iDevices are jailbroken at any given time. He explained that the percentage fluctuates depending on when Apple releases a new version of iOS. When a new iOS firmware gets released, he said that the number drops down to about 6%. This makes sense if you think about most people wanting to upgrade and try the new features that Apple implements in a new iOS version.
Freeman does not work on jailbreaks himself, although he did note that he tinkers with some side projects for fun. His main job is the upkeep of Cydia. He leaves the actual jailbreaking to groups like the Chronic Dev Team. He is, however, a member of the famous Dev Team, alongside other prominent figures like MuscleNerd. He described the Dev Team as a “very private IRC channel where guys hang out.”
When asked about how many apps were actually in Cydia, Freeman responded with “about 4.” Freeman sees Cydia as a place for things that don’t belong in the App Store, like tweaks and low-level extensions. Freeman took the time to explain what the word “Cydia” actually meant, but you can refer to our explanation for more information on that topic.
Freeman said that Cydia can be a place for the distribution of rejected App Store apps. He remained ambiguous, as he clearly wants to keep Cydia as a hub of tweaks and hacks that would never make it into the App Store in the first place. Cydia does welcome rejected App Store apps with open arms.
On multitasking in Cydia, Freeman made it clear that he is working on a solution. He is trying to find a way to make Cydia not run as root so that multitasking will work. When asked about the feature, he said, “I’ve got some ideas.”
What about Cydia for Mac? There were rumblings in the community awhile back about Freeman essentially jailbreaking the Mac. After the initial buzz, nothing has been heard for months about the project. Freeman shed some light on Cydia for Mac today at MyGreatFest.
Freeman said that, when he first brought up the idea of a Cydia for Mac, many people couldn’t understand why you would need to jailbreak the Mac in the first place. When Apple introduced OS X Lion, Freeman saw that Apple was continuing to make OS X more ‘sandboxed’ and closed. Due to the complexities in Lion, Freeman said that Cydia for Mac will be released “when it works.”
Freeman is against piracy. Only 1/70 people actually pay for Cydia tweaks, and it seriously cripples the community from growing and becoming stronger. However, Freeman did say that, “If you have a free and open system, piracy is going to occur.” When you jailbreak, you are given the ability to do whatever you want with your device — including pirate. Freeman said, “Once you open Pandora’s box, you can’t close part of it.”
Cydia is an open source project, so Freeman can’t edit or moderate the content that is distributed. Cydia could have a signature system like the App Store for authenticating legitimate users, but multiple jailbreak tools from multiple groups (Dev Team, Chronic Dev Team, etc.) make that impossible.
Instead, Freeman tries to convert pirates. He made the argument that, instead of someone spending hours upon hours trying to crack complicated DRM code, those hacking skills could be put to good use for the community. He noted that several prominent pirates have changed sides and are now working to make Cydia a better and more innovative place.
Freeman talked for a long time about how Cydia was a collaborative project that took many years to develop. He talked about interesting little tidbits, like the evolution of the Cydia icon and the people that helped create Cydia at the beginning of it all. His talk helped to remind us that jailbreaking is very much a community effort, and that the peoplebehind the computer screens are what make jailbreaking so special.

RedSn0w is Getting a Major Update

Today, Musclenerd announced that RedSn0w is going to get a major update.
Musclenerd posted pictures of the new version RedSn0w, which also includes some new features.
This update is expected to be pushed out in the next couple of days. As seen in the picture above, you’re greeted with a new welcome screen that presents a couple of new options…
This update is huge. As the picture above shows, you are given a couple new options such as getting out of Recovery Mode, saving & using SHSH Blobs, and a new preferences button. In my opinion, the app is now much easier to use for people who are new to jailbreaking.
Redsn0w is due for an update, it’s been the same for a while and was getting a bit old. Musclenerd says this update for RedSn0w will be pushed out before he leaves for his trip to Korea. Knowing the way the Dev Team works, the update should be out on Sunday, a.k.a. “Funday.”
We will keep you updated for when this update is released. Below is some more screenshots of the newest version of RedSn0w.
What are your thoughts? Are you excited for a better version of RedSn0w?