That will totally kills the developer behind Sn0wbreeze and it's tool too as it will unusable. MuscleNerd of iPhone Dev Team has confirmed that iPhone developer chpwn will release a new version of PwnageTool to support WIndows.
MuscleNerd: @iH8sn0w seriously...@chpwn is your age, and about to release a better version of PT for win. Don't *blame* him for that.We'll of course tell you whenever the new version of PwnageTool is available and we'll post full how to guides for that big one, stay tuned!
BaDRaN: @MuscleNerd please we want pwnagetool for windows. Why you don't make it ??
MuscleNerd@BaDRaN9 I think @chpwn is mostly there :) True windows version of PwnageTool by someone in the know.
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