last week unleashed an onslaught of updates, including cracking software for the much-anticipated Mac App Store and a "reverse BitTorrent" for jailbroken devices that aims to increase availability of cracked apps across the Web.
According to report over TorrentFreak, a new product from Hackulous called "Kickback" aims to slash DRM from products available in the Mac App Store so that Hackulous can offer the same kind of free download service for the Mac as it currently provides for iOS devices.
Though, don't expect Kickback right away. The developers says that they won't release it until Mac App Store is opened on January 6th and fully shocked with apps!
We don’t want to release kickback as soon as the [Mac App] Store gets released. I have a few reasons for that,
Most of the applications that go on the Mac App Store [in the first instance] will be decent, they’ll be pretty good. Apple isn’t going to put crap on the App Store as soon as it gets released. It’ll probably take months for the App Store to actually have a bunch of crappy applications and when we feel that it has a lot of crap in it, we’ll probably release Kickback,
So we’re not going to release Kickback until well after the store’s been established, well after developers have gotten their applications up. We don’t want to devalue applications and frustrate developers,
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