Minggu, 13 Februari 2011

Cydia Blocked by Carriers in 3 Countries

We have just been tipped by one of our readers about UK carrier Three blocking Cydia servers on their 3G network.

A new thing has happened today
I live in the UK and have an iPhone 4 on three…
You probably don’t know, but three blocks a lot of websites including Warez and ****.
However now, they have also blocked Cydia and I have attached a photo too to show it but it works fine on wifi.
This effects all three customers contract or PAYG and also cannot be unblocked unlike **** with a pin, like Warez its blocked for everyone.
This has also been confirmed on Three Ireland by well known iPhone developer Steve Troughton-Smith on Twitter.
Wow, 3 Ireland (iPhone carrier) has blocked Cydia’s servers from their network: http://go.ww.com/cydia/ /via @0xMW
iHackintosh reports that China Unicom is also blocking Cydia servers on their 3G network.


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