Sabtu, 26 Maret 2011

How To Manually Install Cydia 1.1.1 On Your iOS Device

Just a little while ago, Jay Freeman AKA @Saurik has pushed out an updated version of Cydia 1.1.1.
As mentioned earlier this update is faster, slimmer and is more stable than ever. Additionally, this upgrade includes an improved search algorithm and ‘resume where you left off’.
To get this update all you need to do is Launch Cydia and take offered update. If in case, cydia doesn’t offer you an update, just follow the below steps to manually install Cydia 1.1.1 on your Jailbroken iOS Device.

How to Install New Cydia 1.0.3366.7 On device running iOS 4.1
Step 1: Download the New Cydia 1.0.3366.7 and save it on your desktop – Download links posted below
Step 2: Download & Install CyberDuck (Mac) / WinSCP (Win) – If its not already
Step 3: Launch Cydia, Install OpenSSH, & then Install iFile - If its not already
Step 4: Connect your iPhone, Launch CyberDuck or WinSCP and SSH into the device

  • Mac – CyberDuck (Server = Your iPhone IP Addess, UserName = root, Password = alpine and Protocol = SSH File Transfer)
  • Win – WinSCP (Hostname = Your iPhone IP Address, Username = root, Password = alpine and Protocol = SCP)
Step 5: Navigate to the following folder and move the download Cydia file ‘cydia_1.1.1_iphoneos-arm.deb’ here.

  • /root/private/var/root/
Step 6: On your device, launch iFile, Navigate to the following folder & Tap on ‘cydia_1.1.1_iphoneos-arm.deb ’

  • /root/private/var/root/
Step 7: Tap on, Tap on Installer to install the new Cydia on your device.
That’s it! You have the updated version of Cydia
Download Links

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