Minggu, 01 Agustus 2010

Get ready to jailbreak!

Note: Prepare a jailbreak does not mean immediate availability of the jailbreak!

BigBoss has updated its repo, two iPhone 4 apps and we just tell you the release time may be on Sunday if everything was stable by Comex.
the jailbreak tool for iPhone 4 is ready unlocked by the Dev Team and PlanetBeing with two method you can see it from our posted Here and the other Here with video , it just lacked that stabilizes and optimizes Saurik Cydia after jailbreak on the iPhone 4.

Here are some guides to read to prepare you for this release.

Note: the message Twitter is not 100% but it turns on the canvas ... this may be a private message to Saurik or just a fake!

The new jailbreak tool for iPhone 4 will be compatible with all models in all iDevice firmware, an update Ultrasn0w Unlocker for all models of iPhone, will also be provided after the next release!

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