Senin, 31 Oktober 2011

Here’s How To Install Siri (GUI Only) On iPhone 4 And iPod touch Running iOS 5 [VIDEO]

Siri has finally been ported over to older iOS devices and, unlike last time,
there is a way you can install it right now. If you’re interested, you can follow the guide after the jump!
Siri was revealed at Apple’s Let’s Talk iPhone event on October 14th as a voice-based personal assistant which, well, allowed you to use your iPhone’s many “smart” features through voice alone. It was included as one of the three main features of the new iPhone 4S (the other being a best-in-class dual-core chip and advanced optics) and is exclusive to it, meaning folks on older iOS devices were left to set reminders and alarms, call their contacts and send emails through (shudder) touch input.
Well, there is now a way to install Siri, at least its GUI, on older iOS devices such as the iPhone 4and iPod touch 4G.
Yes, if you read the above sentence carefully, you’ll find that this port is GUI only so you will not be able to use voice commands like you would on an iPhone 4S. This is because of the fact that Apple’s servers, which process your Siri voice input data, do not accept data for Siri from an iOS deviceunless it is from an iPhone 4S.
What’s the point, then? Well, that’s a very good question and our answer may not satisfy you: the fact that the community has got the GUI working has us hoping that they just might find a way to trick Apple’s servers into receiving data from older devices. This guide is strictly just for those of you who want to try the graphical elements of Siri on older iOS devices without actual functionality, or in others words, just for showing it off as it has no other practical use.
How To Install Siri GUI On iPhone 4 and iPod touch 4G
DISCLAIMER: We here at iPhoneland have not tested this method and do not recommend installing Siri on your iPhone 4 or iPod touch 4G. The following instructions are shared for educational purposes only. Proceed at your own risk.
Step 1: Jailbreak your iPhone/iPod touch on iOS 5 using Redsn0w or Sn0wbreeze.
Step 2: Download files required for the Siri port to iPhone 4 and iPod touch 4G.
Siri Filesonic 
Siri  MediaFire
Step 3: Using a file explorer for your iOS device, copy over the AssistantServices.framework folder you downloaded in Step 2 to Root > System > Library > PrivateFrameworks after plugging in your device to your computer via USB.
Step 4: Transfer all files from the Springboard folder in Step 2 to Root > System > Library > CoreServices > on your iOS device.
Step 5: Using iFile (you can get it from Cydia), open the .plist file for your iOS device from System > Library > CoreServices > It will be named N81AP for iPod touch 4G and N9x for iPhone 4 (where x may be 0, 1, 2).
Step 6: Add a new property list named assistant to the .plist file and set its class as Boolean while setting its value as YES.
Step 7: Add the following to the .plist file:
Step 8: Respring your iOS device.
If you followed the steps correctly, Siri’s GUI will be installed on your iOS device. You can hold the Home button to activate it. Once again, we remind you that voice commands don’t work yet since Apple’s servers don’t accept voice command input from iPhone 4 or iPod touch 4G.
If you prefer video over text, you can follow the video guide embedded below:

Minggu, 30 Oktober 2011

Siri: It Is Illegal To Use Your Friend Siri During Driving !!

It comes with the latest version of the handset - the iPhone 4S,
we talk about Siri. Siri is Apple’s ground-breaking personal assistant born out of a simple iPhone app that ended up embedded in iOS 5 as a standard feature.
The iPhone 4S is the only Apple device presently (and officially) able to handle Siri by the book. The assistant does half the work locally, and half the work on Apple’s servers, meaning it requires constant access to the internet.

Siri can facilitate all kinds of things just by speaking.

For example, you can send an SMS to your spouse saying “text my wife saying I’ll be late tonight, don’t stay up waiting for me”. Siri will ask you to confirm at which point you can say ‘yes’ and the text will be sent.

If your wife also carries the new Apple iPhone, she can answer back saying, “reply to John saying ‘you’re a prick, don’t ever come back, I’m taking the kids and moving back to my mother.’”

The same goes for reminders, appointments, driving directions, you name it. Just ask Siri and she’ll do her best to please you.

Nevertheless, to make Siri listen, you first have to press and hold the iPhone’s home button for a couple of seconds. That, according to California state law, is a no-no behind the wheel.

San Jose police Lt. Chris Monahan says "It's legal to talk to Siri, as long as the phone's not in your hand,''.  "But if you have to push the phone to activate her, or if you ask for directions and she puts them up on her screen for you to read, then California's hands-free law says your're breaking the law."

So even if your iPhone 4S is mounted on your dashboard, like a regular GPS device (which the iPhone is, by the way), you’re still not allowed to use Siri for directions. However, going by Siri demonstration video, you can also activate the feature with your 'Apple Earphones with Remote and Mic'.

Siri on iPod Touch 4G - Connected to Apple Servers Finally [Video]

Steven Troughton-Smith is the guy behind this progress.
This guy was the first one worked on porting Siri on iPhone 4 with the iPhone developer Chpwn. Few minutes ago Chpwn confirmed on his timeline that siri connected Apple's servers on iPhone 4 after hack session.

When Siri come to iPhone 4, 3GS, iPod Touch 4G, 3G, iPad ? 
No official release date announced so far. But diffidently it looks very imminent.

Siri on iPod Touch 4G [Video] :

Update : Folks at 9to5mac filmed an interesting video that compared between iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S running Siri

Here's an interview with Steven the guy behind this great job.
Mark: Where do you go from here with the port?

Steven: At this point it’s all about confirming this works across devices, making it reproducible (we got it working on two devices today), and documenting everything. It does require files from an iPhone 4S which aren’t ours to distribute, and it also requires a validation token from the iPhone 4S that has to be pulled live from a jailbroken iPhone 4S, and it’s about a 20-step process right now.

Mark: In its current state, is the port 100% functional, is there anything you would like to see work better?

Steven: Yes, it seems to be 100% functional. I’m working on the rough edges, but everything that works on the iPhone 4S seems to work here

Mark: Do you ever see Siri showing up in Cydia (or another jailbreak store) for non natively supported devices?

Steven: No, I could not be a part of that. I have no doubts that others will package this up and distribute it quasi-illegally, or try and sell it to people. I am only interested in the technology and making it work; proving that it works and works well on the iPhone 4 and other devices

Mark: So, you also got Siri working on the fourth-generation iPod touch, how is that working out?

Steven: We got chpwn’s iPod touch up and running with Siri after proving it works on my iPhone 4. Unfortunately the microphone on the iPod is nowhere near as good as the iPhone – you will notice that the Siri level meter hardly moves when you talk to it. While it does work, you have to speak loudly and clearly to the iPod

Mark: How long did porting take you, what was the “I got it” moment?

Steven: Basically, I already had everything I needed to make it work. I had spent a lot of time mapping out in my head exactly how Siri works on the iPhone. All I needed was access to a jailbroken iPhone 4S to put my hunch to the test. It literally took no longer than 10 minutes to put all the pieces in place and perform our first test on my iPhone 4, and it was an instant success.

Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2011

Public Beta of IntelliScreenX Released

Want some hands-on time with IntelliScreenX before it is officially released tomorrow?

If you have a jailbroken iPhone or iPod touch running iOS 5, then check inside for the details you need to try out IntelliScreenX right now
To try out the beta, simply add the following beta repo to your Cydia sources:
For your iPad owners, unfortunately IntelliScreenX is only supported on the iPhone and iPod touch thus far.
What are your personal thoughts on IntelliScreenX now that you’ve gone hands-on with it? Does it live up to your expectations?

Jumat, 28 Oktober 2011

Get Reckless Getaway in the App Store for Free for a Limited Time !

We really love a good deal here at iPhoneland (who doesn’t?).
That’s why we find it necessary to report about the latest iOS app or game sales. But what’s better than getting a discount on an app or game? Getting them for free.
Yesterday we told you how to get a free copy of Jetpack Joyride, a popular game that normally goes for $0.99 in the App Store. And now we have word of another game that’s gone free for a limited time: Reckless Getaway
Reckless Getaway is a classic arcade game whose premise is based on the fun parts of other racing simulators, like crashing and reckless driving. Here’s more about the title from the App Store’s description:
“Who’d a thought robbing the bank would be the easy part? Now comes the real challenge – to escape with your hard-earned loot having the fuzz hot at your heels! Weave in and out of oncoming traffic; dodge, outrun or ram pursuing police cars and just generally crash, smash and thrash your way through 16 varied levels.”
The game typically goes for $2.99, but if you act fast, you can grab it for free. Download Reckless Getaway for your iPhone or iPad in the App Store.

iPhone 4S Jailbreak Done by iPhone Dev-Team, Release Imminent [ScreenShot]

Good News! iPhone Dev-team has successfully jailbroken iPhone 4S as MuscleNerd
just tweeted about the very preliminary iPhone 4S jailbreak on his Twitter account. He also posted two pictures that shows Cydia running on iPhone 4S on iOS 5.

VERY preliminary 4S JB: (Huge missing pieces prevent public release. LOTS of work left)

Along with this good news, there is a bad news too. It is clear from the statement of MuscleNerd that there is still a lot of work left in the jailbreak for 4S that is preventing public release. But it is confirmed that the release of iPhone 4S jailbreak is imminent. Also jailbreaking iPhone 4S on iOS 5 means we have iPad 2 jailbreak as well because both iPad 2 and iPhone 4S has same bootrom. But for all this, you have to wait as you did for iPad 2 jailbreak on 4.3.3.

Please don't fall for the scammers that tell you we can bring untethered jailbreak on iOS 5 . They all are scammers. Please stay away from them. When untethered jailbreak for iOS 5, iPhone 4S and iPad 2 becomes official, we will let you know.

Jailbreak iPad 2 iPhone 4S iOS 5 Done Successfully [Video]

iPad 2 and iPhone 4S iOS 5 Jailbreak done successfully.
This is one of the bigger pieces of news this month. MusclNerd the well known iPhone hacker and the iPhone Dev-team's spokesman has just posted a new video showing iPad 2 jailbreak on iOS 5. Let's check the video after the jump.

Jailbreak iPad 2 iOS 5 [Video] 

MucleNerd confirmed on Twitter that iPad 2 and iPhone 4S jailbreak on iOS 5 are the same. So the good news for iPhone 4S users that iPhone 4S jailbreak on iOS 5 has the same progress in the above embedded video.

Jailbreak iPad 2 iPhone 4S iOS 5 ETA (Estimate To Arrival) :

Jailbreak iPad 2 and iPhone 4S on iOS 5 has no estimate release date so far as the above video still in very preliminary jailbreak status and lots of hurdles remain. We will update you once more information comes-in. Stay tuned.

Senin, 24 Oktober 2011

Steve Jobs’ Biography Now Available in the iBookStore

A quick note to let you know that Steve Jobs’ biography by Walter Isaacson is
now available in the iBookStore for $16.99. The release date was officially scheduled for November, but it was moved ahead when Steve passed away 18 days ago.
The book is also available right now for Kindle on Amazon. As of tomorrow Monday October, 24th, you’ll also be able to buy this book from your local bookstore…
If you don’t fell like reading, you can always buy the audiobook, for $17.95.
I originally pre-ordered a copy of the book via Amazon, but I quickly canceled when I found out I would not receive it for another week. Instead, I will go to Barnes & Nobles tomorrow to buy a hard cover copy of the book. I encourage you to do the same.

Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011

Apple Posts Steve Jobs Celebration Video

Last week Apple held a special event on its main Cupertino campus to celebrate Steve Jobs’ life.
The event was streamed all around the world to Apple employees, but unfortunately, the rest of us were not able to watch.
Apple today posted the video of the full event for everyone to watch…
The video can be streamed directly from Apple’s website.
In order to see the video, you’ll need Safari 4 or 5 on Mac OS X Snow, Safari on iOS 3 or later, or QuickTime 7 on Windows.

Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2011

Untethered Jailbreak vs. Tethered Jailbreak vs. SemiTethered Jailbreak — What’s the Difference?

The age old questions remain: What’s an untethered jailbreak? Why is a tethered jailbreak
What’s a tethered boot? Why does my iPhone keep rebooting over and over after I jailbreak?
If you’ve ever asked one of these questions, or you’re still looking for answers, then step inside to learn, and contribute your knowledge to the discussion…
Here’s a quick textual overview of all three types of jailbreaks:

Untethered Jailbreak

The cream of the crop. The most desirable jailbreak of them all. An untethered jailbreak allows you to jailbreak your device, run Cydia apps and tweaks, and reboot your device at will with no consequences.

SemiTethered Jailbreak

This is a jailbreak that allows you to reboot your device, but not without some consequences. After rebooting, you may not be able to run any Cydia jailbreak apps, and even some stock apps like Safari may be inaccessible. A SemiTethered jailbreak is normally a tethered jailbreak with a package installed that allows you to reboot with limited use. You must perform a tethered boot (see video for explanation) to regain full functionality to your jailbroken device. Much better than a tethered jailbreak, but not quite as good as the untethered variety.

Tethered Jalbreak

The least desirable of the three. With a tethered jailbreak you cannot reboot your device at all without doing a tethered boot. A tethered boot requires access to a computer, so if you’re out an about, and your device reboots, you’re up a creek without a paddle.
Hopefully the video and additional explanations cleared up any lingering confusion. If you have anything else to add to the discussion, please leave a message in the comments below.

How to Semi Untether Jailbreak iOS 5 [Video Tutorial]

For those of you clamoring for an untethered jailbreak for iOS 5, you’ve now got a great compromise
to hold you over — SemiTether.
As we reported, SemiTether is a new jailbreak tweak that will allow you to get closest to an iOS 5 untethered jailbreak without actually being an untethered jailbreak.
Inside, we’ll show you exactly what you need to do to take advantage of this remarkable little tool. If your iOS 5 installation is jailbroken, you don’t want to miss this!
Step 1: First, you have to jailbreak your iOS 5 device. The best way to do so is with RedSn0w.
Step 2: Install SemiTether by following the video tutorial below:

The Cydia Source is:

Why SemiTether is So Useful

First and foremost, check out this post to see the differences between an untethered, semitethered, and tethered jailbreak.
Since the iOS 5 jailbreak has been tethered thus far, you need to perform a tethered boot every time you reboot your jailbroken device for any reason; otherwise, the iPhone or iPod touch would infinitely reboot and show the Apple logo. This wouldn’t be a problem, except for the fact that a tethered boot requires you to be near your computer in order to do so. So, if you are away from your home or office, your iPhone would be completely inoperable until you got back home, or near a computer with RedSn0w.
What SemiTether does, is remove the need to perform a tether boot to reboot. Now you can freely reboot your phone, even when you are away from the computer.
It doesn’t come without a few caveats though, hence the name, SemiTether. While you can freely reboot, you can’t access your jailbreak apps or tweaks that you have installed; you can’t use Safari, or web browse, and you reportedly can’t use Mail. This is only temporary, as all of the normal functionality is restored upon doing a tethered boot.
The good news is that you can text and use SMS. You can also use all of your other stock iPhone apps. This is much better than the alternative, which didn’t allow you to do anything! Before SemiTether, you couldn’t even boot your jailbroken iOS 5 installation without being near a computer.
We hope that SemiTether will be able to tide your over until real untethered jailbreak appears for iOS 5. We think a lot of your will appreciate this middle ground of sorts until then. Won’t you?
Note: For those experiencing boot loop issues, and constant resprings, there can be many reasons why this happens. One reason is you enabled a notification center jailbreak widget, when your iPhone is booted in Semi Tether mode. To fix this, boot tethered using RedSn0w.