Selasa, 23 Agustus 2011

Jailbreak iOS 5 Beta 6 With RedSn0w “Jetblue Edition”

Apple released iOS 5 Beta 6 to developers last Friday,
and the latest beta software has already been jailbroken with Sn0wBreeze. The Dev Team has now releasedRedSn0w 0.9.8b6 “Jetblue Edition” for a tethered jailbreak on iOS 5 Beta 6.
iOS 5 Beta 6 is one of the last beta verisons expected to be released before the final GM build of iOS 5 next month.
We’ve released redsn0w 0.9.8b6 to jailbreak iOS5 beta6 (point it directly at the beta6 IPSW).
Two important notes about this version:
  1. Please let your device boot normally to IOS5b6 and do a clean shutdown (slide to power off) before jailbreaking.

  2. Boot logos have intentionally been disabled for now, so you’ll see a black screen on tethered boots (you can re-enable logos or verbose boot with command-line options if you really want them back).

Due increased sensitivity to abrupt filesystem shutdowns in IOS5b6, it’s very important that you do a clean shutdown before running redsn0w.
Make sure to follow the Dev Team’s above instructions if you do plan on jailbreaking iOS 5 Beta 6. In a nutshell, no boot logo support, and you should power down your iPhone completely before proceeding to ensure a clean jailbreak.
RedSn0w 0.9.8b6 is available on both the Mac and PC .
For Windows users, Sn0wBreeze will allow you to jailbreak Beta 6 without a registered developer UDID. All beta versions of Apple software are intended for developer use only, however.
Have you taken the plunge yet, or are you waiting it out for the inevitable untethered jailbreak once iOS 5 goes public?
RedSn0w 0.9.8 beta 6: Mac - Windows

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