Selasa, 31 Agustus 2010

How to: Setup Push Hotmail with ActiveSync for iPhone

Today, ActiveSync arrived to your iPhone and iPod Touch which enables you to automatically be notified when a new email arrives rather then waiting for a scheduled check. Starting from today, you can push email, calendar and contacts using ActiveSync.

Step 1: From your iDevice, navigate to Settings -> Mail, Contacts, Calendars -> Add Account.
Step 2: A list of accounts will appear, Select Microsoft Exchange from the list of account types.
Step 3: Input the following information:
  • Email: Your Hotmail address (
  • Domain: Leave it blank
  • Username: Your Hotmail address (
  • Password: Your Hotmail password
  • Description: Hotmail
Step 4: After the details entered above are successfully verified. You will get another screen where you need to enter for the Server name 
Step 5: Now a screen will appear, enable push for either Mail, Contacts, or Calendar or all three and tap on Save.
Now, Enjoy with push email, calendar and contacts for your Hotmail account.

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