Minggu, 08 Agustus 2010

[UPDATE]How to: Install Frash / Flash on iPhone 4 and iPodTouch 3g [Video]

We already seen Frash / Flash on iPad and we posted guides to Install Frash on your iPad, Today we have Frash on iPhone 4, Yes, now a quick alpha of Frash for iPhone 4 is available and can be installed on your iPhone 4.

Note: Your Device has to be jailbroken, you can follow the guide posted here to jailbreak iPhone 4 and guide posted here to jailbreak iPad using JailbreakMe 2.0 "Star".
if you have iMobile cinema it will crash frash...disable it

Step 1: Install OpenSHSH from Cydia by navigating to Search tab in Cydia and search for "OpenSHSH" then install it.
Step 2: Connect your iPhone with your computer. Make sure iTunes is not running.
Step 3: Install Cyberduck for Mac or WinSCP for Windows, and enter the following details to log in:
  • Server: The IP address of your iPhone/iPad/iPod touch. Settings –> WiFi –>
  • Username: root
  • Password: alpine
  • Protocol: SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol)
  • Hostname: The IP address of your iPhone/iPad/iPod touch. Setting –> WiFi –>
  • User name: root
  • Password: alpine
  • Protocol: SCP
Step 4: Navigate to /var/root/Media directory and create a folder named “Cydia”. Inside this Cydia folder, create another folder and name it “AutoInstall” and copy the Frash-0.02.deb file (Download link at the end of the post)
Step 5: Restart your iPhone and enjoy Flash on your Safari browser by click on the “Flash” text to play the Flash content.
Download Frash-0.02.deb for iPhone 4 [Credits to comex]

U can also add the repo "http://repo.benm.at/" to ur CYDIA Source and install the "FrashPack"

Thanks Comex! and SebastienPage for the second Video

TestPics from Homestarrunner a Flash based Webpage

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